What type of Volunteer Opportunities are available in our PTA?

There are several committees to choose from and many that are looking for volunteers on a regular basis throughout the year.  Including but not limited to: 

  • Room Parents 

    Our room parent coordinator is seeking 1-2 room parents (RP) for every class. RP’s communicate important PTA messages and reminders to the class throughout the year and coordinate with their class teacher on whatever they may need during the year.

  • Scroggs Garden 

    Scroggs Garden committee helps keep our garden beautiful and welcoming to our students and teachers. This committee is always looking for help with maintenance of the garden as well as classroom engagement opportunities.

  • Teacher and Staff Hospitality 

    This fun committee plans and delivers treats and surprises throughout the year for our teachers and staff using their committee budget and supply donations from Scroggs parents. Treats are typically provided once a month and served in the staff lounge or conference room.

  • Teacher and Staff Appreciation Week  

    This committee organizes and executes a week long “thank you” to our amazing teachers and staff through treats, gifts, decorations and thank you messages to our entire Scroggs team in early May

  • Froggy Mascot Opportunities

    Everyone loves Froggy! Join the mascot team for opportunities to dress up as Froggy at our school and community events.

  • PTA Board Positions

    The board would be grateful to anyone that may be considering a position next year or in the future to assist/shadow the board THIS year. Our current board typically meets one to two times a month (1-3 meeting hours per month). Anyone interested is welcome to join any or all of our meetings and board processes for the year.

  • Scroggswear

    Ongoing role:

    • This team keeps our Scroggs merchandise organized, periodically checks inventory counts and delivers online orders to the Scroggs office occasionally during the year. If desired, they help make decisions on new items and designs. 

    Want a pop-up role?

    • Be on our sales team list!  The team sells spirit wear at our Scroggs outdoor pop-up sales which occur on average three times a year.

  • Yearbook

    The yearbook team is immediately seeking parents and staff to sign up in September to help:

    • Takes photos at any school related events and activities and submit them to the secure yearbook folder. Also help collect photos from fellow parents and staff to submit on their behalf and/or help encourage others to submit their photos after events so our team has many to choose from.

  • Fundraising 

    This committee helps support our fundraising chairs in direct and indirect fundraising. Direct fundraising includes our membership drive, corporate sponsorships and funds raised from our Spring gala event. Indirect fundraising includes shopping reward programs, Artsonia sales and more. Immediate roles needed: 

    • Sponsor Coordinator

      • This person, or team, is the contact for our PTA corporate sponsors. The team assists the board with helping to secure new and recurring sponsors. A volunteer is also needed to help coordinate sponsors completing a short survey for their “Sponsor Spotlight” and submit to the PTA News contact

    • Spirit Night Coordinators

      • This person, or team, organizes 3-4 spirit nights for the year. Typically, these have been “percent back” sales from local food trucks and local restaurants as well as food sales during Scroggs school events.

    • Spring Fundraiser Committee

      • This team helps plan and organize our spring fundraising party. This themed event is tented outdoors and includes both an online and live auction, DJ and dancing, food and drinks. Planning will start in late fall and ramp up in early February with the event usually in mid to late April.

    • Shopping Reward Program

      • This person or team helps seek out additional passive reward program opportunities (money back to schools for shopping or other indirect fundraising) and helps implement them. Current examples at Scroggs include Harris Teeter and Lowe’s Foods rewards. Previous examples include Amazon, Box Tops and Weaver Street Market. Help us with new ideas! This can be a completely remote volunteer role if desired.

  • Book Fair 

    Scroggs holds a 3 day book fair once a year that has also been a successful fundraiser for our library. This team is responsible for assisting the book fair chairs in planning and execution of this fun event.

  • Community Outreach  

    This team helps plan and execute community outreach opportunities. In the past this has included our Fall Coat Drive (October), Family Giving Tree (December), MLK Day of Service (January) and other events.

  • Nominating Committee (2 board members and 1-3 parents) 

    This committee is always looking for parents that are great at finding and connecting the PTA with great candidates for positions, committees and School Improvement Team candidates

  • PTA Website 

    We are always looking for someone to help our board with updating our website a few times a year and troubleshooting issues. Please reach out if you have interest and/or experience being our website point person.

There are other jobs and opportunities outside these committees that will come up during the year but having great parents on a list for one or more committees is extremely helpful. 

You can support Scroggs with your time and talents.

We have opportunities for everyone to be involved.  Complete this brief online form and someone from the PTA Board will be in touch with you soon.