Scroggs Reopening


March 22 is around the corner and the Return to School Task Force has been hard at work with Ms. Epps and the Scroggs team to see how the PTA can support the return of our staff and students in the safest way possible.

On 3/9/21 the PTA membership voted unanimously to approve a revised budget which reallocates up to $9,000 toward reopening expenses if needed. We are now purchasing supplies that will help with protocols both inside and outside the building including but not limited to: 

  • Extending and improving outdoor learning & mask free spaces:

    • Outdoor portable canopies to ensure outdoor snack, meal and mask break areas are available in most weather. We are currently getting quotes for installing more permanent outdoor shade canopies as well.

    • Installing outdoor seating - stumps are currently being cut, sanded and sealed by volunteers and looking at other seating options

    • Extensive clean up and landscaping of the garden to allow for additional outdoor seating and learning space including adding two new sheds to the garden for chairs, learning materials and tools

  • Repairs to the extra large outdoor Pollywog (Gazebo up by the field)

  • Extra thermometers and batteries for health screening upon entry to supplement the district supply

  • Extra water bottles to supplement the district supply (as water fountains will not be in use during the rest of the school year)

  • Extra PPE (kid masks, adult masks, protective glasses, face shields) to supplement the district supply

  • Support items for PPE (mask lanyards with breakaway safety clasps will be provided by the PTA for all staff and students, mask adjuster beads)

How can I help?

If you would like to contribute to our reopening efforts, please donate to the PTA. Even a small amount is a big help in helping us open our school safely. Thank you!