Thank you to all our students, families, and Scroggs staff for a fantastic turnout for our book fair! It was wonderful to see so many excited faces visit the Scroggs blacktop on May 14 & 15 to support our school.
Our second outdoor book fair was a great success in more ways than one. Check out these numbers!
Scholastic Book Fair Total sales of $6200 earned $1550 cash reward for Scroggs PTA!
Books Over Break Thanks to so many generous point of sale donations, the Books Over Break committee was able to purchase 100 brand new books for the annual school-wide book selection event.
Scroggswear Sales Table Close to $1000 in total sales! Scroggs Frogs are wearing their school spirit!
Maple View Ice Cream Truck Who knew Frogs were so crazy for ice cream??? Ice cream sales added $78 to our weekend earnings.
Scroggs Student Council Raffle Table Those beautiful gift basket prizes inspired $130 in raffle ticket purchases!
As always, this event couldn't have happened without lots of support from our Scroggs Community, and there are lots of thanks to go around.