Holiday Fund Drive

Scroggs Frogs, let's share some holiday cheer!

Your contribution to this school-wide holiday gift fund will ensure ALL of our wonderful Scroggs Teachers and Staff know how much they mean to us. Please help us reach (or exceed!) our goal of $100 per staff member ($8700 goal) by making a donation today. Any gift amount will be greatly appreciated!

  • If you'd like to donate online, this is the link to the donation page gf.me/u/y938dd

  • If you'd like to donate the old-fashioned way, please feel free to mail a check payable to Lauren Durden with Scroggs Gift Fund noted. Mailing address: Scroggs Elementary School, 501 Kildaire Road, Chapel Hill NC, 27516

Scroggs Coats Plus Drive 2020

Brrrrrrr…it’s getting colder out there! Calling on the Scroggs Community to help all of our Frogs stay toasty warm this winter. Please check your closets and/or add below items to your shopping carts – for the next couple of weeks we’ll be collecting warm outerwear items at two drop off locations. Thank you!!!

***We could use some help from parent volunteers to make this work. If you’re able to help pick up donated items, store items, or sort and prep for distribution, please email scroggspta@gmail.com***

What to donate – kid sizes only at this time

  • New or gently used winter coats

  • New winter gloves or mittens, scarves, and hats

  • New socks

  • New or gently used snow boots


  • Friday, November 27th through Friday, December 11th

Drop-off Locations

  • Scroggs Elementary School, just outside of main entrance

  • The Naftel residence, front porch, 407 Parkview Crescent, Chapel Hill, NC 27516